YES. Non-competing NIH progress reports are different than NIH applications because the investigators cite their own work that resulted from the grant, not the work of others. Therefore, they must include PMCID's for their own publications that fall under the mandate. This includes:
Report publications resulting directly from this grant that you have not previously reported, including manuscripts submitted or accepted for publication. Provide the complete citation (author(s), title, journal or book, volume, page number, year). If available electronically, provide a url or PMCID number. If not available electronically, you may provide one copy with the progress report. State if there have been no publications.
- Directly funded by an NIH grant of cooperative agreement active in Fiscal Year 2008 (October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008) or beyond;
- Directly funded by a contract signed on or after April 7, 2008;
- Directly funded by the NIH Intramural Program, or
- If NIH pays your salary (articles accepted for publication after April 7, 2008; were peer reviewed; and were funded by NIH money).
Report publications resulting directly from this grant that you have not previously reported, including manuscripts submitted or accepted for publication. Provide the complete citation (author(s), title, journal or book, volume, page number, year). If available electronically, provide a url or PMCID number. If not available electronically, you may provide one copy with the progress report. State if there have been no publications.